Our Flavours
We offer a range of delicious flavours with a an increasing scale of heat as you move through the collection from the mildest to the most extreme.
Bell Peppers, Onions, Garlic, specified Chilli, Cornish Cider Vinegar, white malt vinegar, sugars and a 'secret blend' of herbs and spices are all that go into our relishes at Silver Chilli! Nothing cheeky that we don't tell you about.
You may find slight oxidisation on the relish when you open the jar as we use no nasty preservatives. This is nothing to be alarmed at, vinegars and sugars in the relish are perfect preservatives and make it perfectly safe. Our relishes will 'keep' for up to three weeks once opened.
The SHU specified on the jar is the approximate SHU rating of the raw chilli used. During the cooking of our relishes the resultant heat may reduce, but through complimentary ingredients we hope to show the Chilli character in keeping with Silver Chilli's cooking ethos.